De Lodge is an independent Post Production Boutique, based in Amsterdam. Since we launched in 2013 we gained an outstanding reputation for our client services and its post-production work on high-end television and feature projects.
Specialising in grading and digital intermediate, visual effects and workflow management, we provide a warm, welcoming environment for clients, retaining a boutique feel whilst offering state-of-the-art resources.
We understand that every job is different. We work with our clients to produce the most creative content across different media platforms in the most cost efficient way. Our team of experienced operators and support staff approach every project with the highest degree of dedication and attention to detail. We may be a small boutique company but we believe that this gives us the edge as we are able to give our clients a more personal environment that makes them feel at home with us.
Netflix, Disney+ & Amazon
Approved Vendor

Mees Kees 6 (feature) Schitterend (feature) Juf Braaksel 2 (feature) Elixer (episodic) Chateau Promonade (episodic) Explosief Nederland (Videoland) Het Boek Van Alle Dingen (feature) Het Verhaal Van Amsterdam (episodic) Max Verstappen (Viaplay episodic) Nemesis (Disney+) De Z van Zussen (feature) Dadchelor (feature) De Toeslagenaffaire (episodic) Een Van Ons (Canal+) Nice Ladies (documentary) Queerkamp (documentary) Tropenjaren 2 (episodic) Zina 2 (episodic) Tegendraads (feature) Panda Bear in Africa (feature) Carmina Burana (theater) Superkrachten In Je Hoofd (feature) Casting Call (feature) Bed & Breakfast (feature) De Breakup Club (feature) Deining (feature) Front Row (feature) Future Me (feature) Happy Palace (feature) Invasie (feature) Juf Braaksel (feature) Saïd En Anna (episodic) Sphinx (Videoland episodic) Verdwenen Stad (feature) Yildiz (feature) Zussen (episodic)
Marja Paeper / Thomas Bonte
KvK 58253785
NL21 RABO 0128 87 84 36
BTW NL852948050B01
Bus 21 from Central Station